These courses are sanctioned by the Fiber Optic Association (FOA), the largest professional society of fiber optics in the world. FOA courses offered by International Network Consultants are recognized by The US Department of Labor.
Certified Training Program - FOA
About FOA and Certification.
The FOA is an international non-profit educational organization that is chartered to promote professionalism in fiber optics through education, certification and standards. Founded in 1995 by a dozen prominent fiber optics trainers and industry personnel as a professional society for fiber optics and a source of independent certification, the FOA has grown to include involvement in numerous activities that educate the world about fiber optics and certify the workers who design, build and operate the world's fiber optic networks.
The FOA is not a training organization. FOA sets standards for the approved training organizations that provide training for FOA certification, training and certifying the instructors who give FOA approved courses and providing certification programs. In recognition of their excellence, FOA certifications are recognized by the US Department of Labor and organizations in most countries around the world.