These courses are sanctioned by the Fiber Optic Association (FOA), the largest professional society of fiber optics in the world. FOA courses offered by International Network Consultants are recognized by The US Department of Labor.
Certified Training Program - FOA
About FOA and Certification.
The FOA is an international non-profit educational organization that is chartered to promote professionalism in fiber optics through education, certification and standards. Founded in 1995 by a dozen prominent fiber optics trainers and industry personnel as a professional society for fiber optics and a source of independent certification, the FOA has grown to include involvement in numerous activities that educate the world about fiber optics and certify the workers who design, build and operate the world's fiber optic networks.
The FOA is not a training organization. FOA sets standards for the approved training organizations that provide training for FOA certification, training and certifying the instructors who give FOA approved courses and providing certification programs. In recognition of their excellence, FOA certifications are recognized by the US Department of Labor and organizations in most countries around the world.
FOA Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT)
3-Day Course
The Prerequisite for all other International Network Consultants Courses
FOA Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Technician (CFOT) - 3 Day Course
CFOT - Certified Fiber Optic Technician is the primary FOA certification for all fiber optic technicians. CFOTs have a broad knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) in fiber optics that can be applied to almost any job – design, installation, operation – and for almost an application using fiber optic communications.
FOA Certified Premises Cabling Technician (CPCT)
4-Day Course
The Prerequisite for many other International Network Consultants Courses.
FOA Certified Premises Cabling Technician (CPCT) - Certified Premises Cabling Technician - is the FOA certification for designers, installers and operators of premises cabling networks. Premises cabling refers to building and campus cabling that is generally customer-owned and used for local area networks of computers (LANs), security systems (CCTV and alarms), building management systems, distributed antenna systems (DAS for cellular and WiFI) and other applications inside buildings or on a campus. The FOA CPCT certification KSAs cover copper and fiber optic cabling and wireless communications
FOA Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT) & FOA Certified Premises Cabling Technician (CPCT) Bundle
5-Day Course
FOA Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Technician (CFOT)
With the FOA Certified Premises Cabling Technician (CPCT)
See the individual links above for course detail.
FOA Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Splicing (CFOS/S) always bundled with (CFOS/T)
4-Day Course
FOA Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Splicing (CFOS/S) Bundled with (CFOS/T)
CFOS/S - Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Splicing is the FOA certification for technicians splicing primarily outside plant (OSP) fiber optic cable plants for concatenation and termination. The skills focus includes cable preparation of numerous cables, fusion splicing fibers, placing splices in splice trays and then placing trays in splice closures. Splice testing with an OTDR is also covered.
FOA Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Testing (CFOS/T) always bundled with (CFOS/S)
4-Day Course
FOA Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Testing (CFOS/T) Bundled with (CFOS/S)
CFOS/T - Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Testing and Maintenance is the FOA certification for technicians testing fiber optic cable plants and communications systems. This is a specialist application certification is intended for high level technicians involved in the testing of fiber optic components, cable plants during and after installation and troubleshooting of fiber networks. The KSAs for CFOS/T cover fiber optic testing from concept to completion, including visual inspection and cleaning, visual tracing and fault location, optical power measurement, insertion loss testing and OTDR testing. The requirements also include a familiarity with fiber characterization for long distance high speed networks but that is covered in another specialist certification.