Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Design (FOA) (CFOS/D) - Self Study Course
FOA Fiber Optic Network Design CFOS/D
CFOS/D – Certified Fiber Optic Specialist, Design - is the FOA certification for designers of fiber optic communications systems. This is a specialist application certification is intended for technicians involved in the planning, design and management of installation of fiber networks. The KSAs for CFOS/D cover fiber optic network design from concept to completion.
This is a specialist application certification covering fiber optic network design-intended for network owners, IT personnel, facilities managers, network designers, estimators or technicians involved in the design or installation of fiber networks. This course is especially recommended for network owners and planners who may not be familiar with the process of fiber optic network design as it can make their jobs easier and their projects better.
This course is sanctioned by the Fiber Optic Association (FOA), the largest professional society of fiber optics in the world. FOA courses offered by International Network Consultants are recognized by The US Department of Labor.
Exam Fee and Text Book Included in Tuition!
Learning Objectives
Classroom sessions covering all test equipment, methods and standards
Introduction to fiber optic design
Overview of Fiber Optic Installations both outside plant and premises
Planning A Fiber Optic Network
Choosing components
Design Review (Component compatibilities, Power budget, Environmental requirements etc.)
Testing And documentation
Writing A Project Specification and other documentation
Lab Exercises including case studies covering designing several networks, at least one premises and one outside plant.
Students must pass the certification tests with a grades of 70% or better and show their abilities to splice, dress, and test fiber optics at an advanced level.
Prerequisites: A review of basic fiber optic concepts and components is included in the course for those with no background in fiber optics. A CFOT, CPCT or equivalent basic knowledge of fiber optics and communications networks is helpful in taking this course but not required.
Typical Field Experience For Design Specialist Certification
To qualify for the certification, two years field experience with fiber optic networks are required, including documented experience designing fiber optic networks. Training by manufacturers or vendors of cabling products will be recognized as part of the experience requirements. The applicant must provide data supporting their experience and a recommendation from a client or customer.
Direct applicants for CFOS/D certification are expected to provide documentation of their involvement with several complete fiber optic cabling projects, including
Planning the network
Creating documentation
Choosing routes, getting permissions
Choosing equipment, hardware and components
Evaluating and selecting contractors
Planning and supervising the installation process including progress reviews
Planning for operation
Updating documentation
Course Description:
This program is designed to introduce the designer or manager to the process of fiber optic network design and the implementation of that design in a real world project. It is intended for those interested in the process and/or studying for the FOA CFOS/D Fiber Optic Network Design Specialist Certification, either as a contractor, installer or end user.
Before any fiber optic project is started, it is necessary to know what communications systems or networks will be needed by the user and which locations the cable plant will connect. With that information, the designer can begin investigating what communications equipment will be necessary and the routing of the link, deciding what installation type and components like cable and hardware are appropriate and what processes will be used for the installation. This self-study program will cover these topics for both premises and outside plant (OSP) fiber optic installations.
While we find many people think of "design" as drawing or CAD, that is not covered in this course. Certainly it is important to create good drawings as part of the documentation for a project, but that follows what is included here: understanding the communications needs and how to design a fiber optic network to provide for those needs. Designers need to know how to create drawings as well as other project paperwork, but there is so much variation in how that part of the project is done - whether manual drawing or computer graphics - we leave that to each individual designer.
Managers have responsibility for the network overall, including the design, installation and operation. They must approve the design, oversee the paperwork that defines the network, obtain inputs from installers or contractors for design and pricing, let contracts, oversee the installation, approve the installation and operate the system. Managers must also be prepared for network restoration planning and, if necessary, the restoration itself.
Course Objective:
What is involved in designing a fiber optic network
Defining communications system needs
How to create a plan to install the project
What paperwork and documentation will be needed for the project
How to choose components appropriate for communications systems
How the proposed routing of the cable plant affects component choice and installation
Using loss budgets to ensure the communications systems will work over the fiber optic proposed cable plant
How to determine what should be tested and documented
How to manage the installation
Method of assessing whether the corse objective was met:
Along with chapter tests, class discussions, and substantial hands-on activities, the Specialist Fiber Optics Certification Test (both written and practical) is given and graded at the end of the class. Students will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the program.
Contact (Instructional) Hours:
16 – Hours - Actual hours may vary depending on number of students.
Particular Physical Demand(s) on student:
Students must be able to see, manipulate, and hold small tools and test equipment. Students must be able to read and speak the English language. Students must have the ability to announce to anyone in the classroom that lasers are about to be turned on or are currently on and active. Further, student must be able to hear and react to the announcement from anyone in the classroom that lasers are about to be turned on or currently active. Finally, students considering this or any other fiber optics course must understand that, because of safety issues in dealing high-power lasers and microscopes, the ability to communicate these important announcements to co-workers and the ability to hear and react to these announcements from co-workers is required once in the field working in this industry.